Ep.98 – Disney+ Hulu in one app, what makes a movie star, and big auteur movies
A Redefining Time
PixelSplitters is back with a whole lot to talk about. First off, Disney+ and Hulu are going to merge into one app. Unless you don't want them to? Or...what? Also, Josh and Willis take a look at what it means to be a movie star these days. Is it talent? Or the number of followers you have? In that same vein, what is up with big name Directors making HUGE EPIC films these days? Are the auteur dogs off the leash? Answers to this and more in today's episode.
Pixelsplitters is a conversation podcast that explores the film and tv news of the week, and examines where the film industry as a whole is headed. Sometimes we do Top 5 lists! Tune in weekly and nerd out with us.