
Ep.95 – HBO becomes "MAX", The Harry Potter Reboot, and Long Movies

Change is in the Air

Things are changing over at HBO/Discovery. Known simply as "Max", their new app is set to include all HBO and all Discovery content in one weirdly paired place. Along with their new brand, Max is giving us 7 seasons of a new Harry Potter show, whether we like it or not. Josh and Willis also want to talk about all the reboots we're getting in general. What is causing this push or recycled content? And finally, it has been announced that Martin Scorsese's "Killers of the Flower Moon" will be a very long movie. Why? Why are movies so long these days? Lots to talk about today, listen in!

Pixelsplitters is a conversation podcast that explores the film and tv news of the week, and examines where the film industry as a whole is headed. Sometimes we do Top 5 lists! Tune in weekly and nerd out with us.

A weekly podcast breaking down what's new and exciting in the world of film, television, and video technology.